Wind Up Cruise
Liverpool Lou II, Wed Aug 15 2007, 02:29PM
Your “trusty” commodore is back.
I am trying to fulfill my duties and I am reminding everybody that our traditional and very popular Sucia gathering on Labor Day long weekend is approaching. As usual number of us that are stationed in Canadian waters, marinas and backyards will be towing to Blaine and launching from there. Al other guys stationed in Point Roberts will take a shortcut straight to Sucia. At this point I personally am planning to launch on Friday early afternoon and power to Sucia. We usually anchor at Fossil Bay, and our Macgregor reserved area in shallow waters is always available. Location will be confirmed the last week. If the winds are strong and not favorable we might end up in Shallow Bay.
Make your plans, cancel everything else and let’s meet there and retire the existing record of 13 boats in raft (you know 13 is not the lucky number).