Research projects
Cenoté, Wed Oct 23 2013, 11:55AM
Recently it was discussed in the Chatbox area about the cetaceans research. Info pasted below to keep it available
There is also a worldwide ‘crowd sourced’ project under way involving phytoplankton. It involves making a simple disc and logging your observations in a free app.
Learn more here
Cetaceans info is asking all boaters etc to report sightings of dolphins, orcas, other whales (ie all cetaceans) as part of the research into marine mammals on the west coast. You need to log in the first time to get a members name and password, and then it is a simple matter of logging in next time when you see any cetaceans on the coast. It is an easy website – you can put the flag on the map ather than note the lat and long, but they do like to know the date/time (can get off a photo if you took one) and types of activities. We recently saw white sided dolphins off the north west coast off Vancouver Island. I uploaded some photos, answered the few questions and feel good that we are helping with research in our waters
Re: Research projects
Sea Shell, Wed Oct 23 2013, 05:44PM
What a cool program to be apart of!
We will be looking into this program as we see lots of porpoises and the occasional whale off Point Roberts! Thanks for making us aware of this program Cenote!
Re: Research projects
Cenoté, Wed Oct 23 2013, 05:49PM
Credit goes to Coastal Drifter on the Cetaceans info which was originally posted in the Chatbox