Okanagan One-way Cruise?

MYCBC – Why Join Us Forums General Discussion Okanagan One-way Cruise?

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      I’m thinking about a one-way cruise on Okangan Lake: Put the boat in the water at Penticton, drive to Vernon and drop off the car-trailer, take a bus back to Penticton, and then sail up to Vernon. Has anyone tried that? Three things inspired this idea.

      • It seems like the winds in the summer are primarily south to north.
      • The lake is narrow-ish for tacking.
      • I can do one-way easily in four or five days, but a round trip of the whole lake would take more than a week.
      Alan & Belinda

        The End to end race held in Sept goes north to south. Either way winds are generally unreliable in the summer and you should expect to be motoring lots if time is limited. Is there a bus running?

        Michael Dirk

          Aye the winds are pandoras box…

          However we did exactly that – dropped in Pent, two nights and was up in Vernon. Being born in Kelowna, it was somewhat a right of passage – wouldn’t hurry back given Harrison far more interesting (islands, waterfalls etc), better winds, and closer.

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