Mast Raising System

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      Mast Raising System
      , Mon Jun 15 2009, 03:25PM

      Has anyone used the mast raising system from an M on an X?

      Re: Mast Raising System
      Windchime, Thu Jun 18 2009, 11:41AM

      Dear frenchcreek,

      Most members use their mast raising systems on a regular basis.
      Do you any questions about using the system on your X?


      Re: Mast Raising System
      , Thu Jun 18 2009, 10:22PM

      I tried it once and it didn’t want to work very well. Seemed to be too much force to get it to go over centre. From what I have read and heard, the 26M version is superior to the X.

      Re: Mast Raising System
      Windchime, Fri Jun 19 2009, 01:47PM

      I think it is a matter of preference. The big difference is that with the “X” system you need to run the line back to the winch, and the “M” you have a ratchet- winch attached on the pole.

      We have a 2000X and the system works just fine.

      For the problem you mentioned, I might suggest.
      1. Ensure your baby stays are not too tight or fouling in the tangs as you raise the mast, as this might inhibit the mast from moving forward.
      2. Install an adjustable backstay. This releases tension on the backstay, and allows you to pull the masthead further forward to attach the forestay much easier. Then tighten the backstay after forestay is attached.
      * We use a 5:1 block and tackle on our backstay. It also helps improve sail shape. Loosen on downwind points or in light wind, and tighten when beating or stronger winds.
      3. Outside chance is that maybe your headstay is adjusted too short. With a furling drum the difference you can adjust it can make a big difference.

      (Maybe worth having your standing rigging looked at for length and tension. Kermie is the resident rigging tension expert.)

      If you are coming to the MacRendezvous on Bowen Island next weekend (June 26-28) we can talk more there.


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