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The nice thing about Rocky Point is you can launch at any tide level. The less than nice things are the cost, the lookie-loos that clog up the boat launch, the spectators on the dock hoping for the carnage of the cross winds come recovery time, the gazillion kayaks, sailboats etc that block the launch channel, and of course the many power boaters who park their boats willy-nilly Along the limited docks making it difficult to tie up so you can get your vehicle to recover the boat. However it is one of the only choices. I have not launched on a Sunday but I would assume the earlier the better. I have tried to recover on a Sunday or holiday Monday and had to sit in the middle of the channel waiting for a dock space for up to 45 minutes as smaller power boats slid past me into spots that were too small for a Mac. I now launch Friday mornings and recover Mondays or Tuesdays on long weekends. I’m sure you will be fine just be prepared to wait for less than courteous power boaters. Good luck.